What is ENGAGE?

SteelMint’s ENGAGE is a virtual platform for exchanging ideas and viewpoints on global steel and raw materials.


SteelMint Events is pleased to annouce the second edition of our webinar series ENGAGE. ENGAGE 2.0 is a 5 day webinar event to be held from 07th March 2022 – 11th March 2022. The global steel industry dynamics are evloving rapidly with industry prioritising decarbonisation as the way forward through current disruptions. Our endeavour is to discuss the changing market dynamics of finish steel and raw material to facilitate decision making.

The agenda of ENGAGE 2.0 is to understand the perspective of industry leaders on a broad spectrum of topics ranging from iron ore, coal and steel identified for discussion and enable our clients to have a better understanding on how each sector is likely to pan out in the near future.


Iron Ore

Scrap & Metallics


Changing trade dynamics of global steel market

Ferro & Graphite Electrode

What to expect from the Indian Ferro Chrome industry in 2022?

Carbon Emission (Technology)